Dr. Steven Lapere

Dr Steven Lapere is an ophthalmologist who specializes in Retina and Ocular Oncology. He was born and raised in Port Elizabeth, and completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of the Free State in 2006.

MBChB, DA (SA), FCOphth, MMed (UCT)
Dr. Steven Lapere
021 671 5154
Melrose House, 14 Palmyra Road, Claremont and Groote Schuur Hospital
Dr. Hamzah Mustak

Dr. Hamzah Mustak is an ophthalmologist with a special interest in ocular oncology, oculoplastic and orbital surgery. He is a consultant at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town and heads the oncology and oculoplastic service.

MBChB, FCOphth, MMed (UCT)
Dr. Hamzah Mustak
021 671 5154
UCT Private Academic Hospital and Groote Schuur Hospital
Dr. Raoul Scholtz

Dr Raoul Scholtz is an Ophthalmologist who has a keen interest in vitreo-retinal surgery and ocular oncology. After completing his schooling at Kingswood College in Grahamstown, he studied Maths and Chemistry through…

Dr. Raoul Scholtz
021 671 5154
14 Palmyra road, Claremont